Nick Knight, Simone Rocha Gather for Fashion Film Awards at Harrods 

LONDON — Harrods and ShowStudio put fashion film under the spotlight this week, hosting an awards ceremony and private screening on the top floor of the store.
The panel of judges, Simone Rocha, Sam McKnight and Harrods’ creative visual director Alex Wells-Greco watched hundreds of films and selected eight winners in categories such as best fashion film and best beauty film.
“About 30 years ago when I was shooting Naomi Campbell, she was wearing a beautiful Yohji Yamamoto scarlet coat and spinning and dancing to a tape of Prince. It occurred to me that actually every designer creates a piece of clothing to be seen in movement so I created a platform for it to celebrate the medium,” said ShowStudio’s founder Nick Knight.
This year, Knight expanded the award across eight categories given the increased uptake and the breadth of the medium. “You’ve got beauty films, new technologies, a lot of animation and 3-D scanning, so it seems a bit unfair to judge the skate film next to a high-fashion film,” he said, adding that he preferred films without a narrative.
“You have a slightly different take to conventional film, for example if it’s a girl jumping, she looks amazing because the clothes have

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