Hussein Chalayan to Teach in Berlin This Winter

Designer Hussein Chalayan is to start teaching at Berlin’s University of Applied Science this semester.
For the past five years, Chalayan has been working with the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, but he told WWD that the new “foundation of design and process” classes he’s teaching in Berlin will be very different. Chalayan is to deliver his first lecture to students on Nov. 11.
The Berlin institute is more of a technical one, Chalayan explained, “more science-based, with a bigger emphasis on technology and sustainability.”
Because of that, Chalayan said he was looking forward to being able to work with different departments there in new ways. “A lot depends on which departments are interested in collaborating. It’s not something you can force. But anything to do with AI [artificial intelligence], anything to do with VR [virtual reality] and just anything to do with technology that can enhance fashion,” he enthused.
“Mr. Chalayan was enticed by the broad choice of interdisciplinary research and project work that’s facilitated by the 70 different courses of study at our school,” Katrin Hinz, dean of the department of design and culture at the Berlin university, told WWD. “These range from aeronautics to physics to cultural studies. And that

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